Personal Branding Strategy

Most of what you read about how to develop a personal branding strategy involves a lot of what you are probably already doing.  Things like maintaining various social media accounts; keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and painting your accomplishments in a positive light; developing a comprehensive resume, etc. etc. etc.

But with everyone doing the same things, the field has effectively been "leveled" and you become just another face in the crowd.  You still need an edge... a boost... a differentiator.  What we provide is a platform to take all of what makes you "you", and wrap it up into a tight package for the prospective employer to look at it and judge in an instant if you might be a "good fit" for the organization, and giving you a call back for an interview.  But if they never notice you among the hundreds of resumes, you may never get that chance.  That's where we step in.  When you have a personal branding strategy that helps you stand out, the odds are much greater that you will get that chance.  A tool like the "virtual interview" you get with a YOU Insta-Brand web site gives you that edge.

The Edge

You need a personal branding strategy that does all of the above but ALSO makes YOU STAND OUT, and allows your personality—as well as a your accomplishments—to shine.

This is exactly what YOU Insta-Brand has developed.

We have put together a "home" for all of the things mentioned above and have added the "personal touch" elements of a "personal scorecard" showing your value stats at a glance, an audio introduction and a video profile to your custom website so that when prospective employers see it, YOU STAND OUT.  You get to tell your story and present yourself in a way that sets you apart and allows you to be evaluated as a PERSON and not another nameless applicant.  You are YOU.  You have developed a personal branding strategy that sets you apart from the crowd.  A personal branding strategy that paints you as an individual who can be evaluated on your merits giving you a much better shot at finding that "perfect fit" job.

It's Just $100.00 And Here’s how it works:







With a personal branding strategy to help define your career profile, you set yourself apart.  You intensify your job search efforts by taking one important step that brands you and makes you unique—and more importantly—places you ahead of the job-hunting crowd.  It takes about an hour to complete the YOU Insta-Brand info gathering form that becomes the basis for your website and PDF resume.  After that, your site goes LIVE in 24 hours or less.


See Insta-Brand Example Sites


Setup Your Insta-Brand Site Now


Other Info on the Importance of Personal Branding:
What is it?
Why is it Valuable?
Why it Sets You Apart

San Diego, CA 92123 • (760) 688-9990